Sunday, July 01, 2007


Thought I'd take advantage of a break in the rain to check the Midgley feeding station, highly delighted to find 5 possibly 6 twite in the area of the feeding station and Height Farm. this was unexpected as up to press I haven't been able to locate any breeding birds on the moor. Spoken with Brian Leecy today who reckons he has a maximum of 8 pairs at Langfield this year.


BSUMNER said...

Nothing at all again this morning at Fly in the way of Twite.Started spreading seed over a wider area to stop it being taken straight away with geese and pheasants.

David Sutcliffe said...

Well done Nick - I am not having any luck with Twite at all since the start of the breeding season. Lets hope for some improvement in the weather soon - for the sake of the Twite and other moorland birds as well as the watchers!