Thursday, December 06, 2007

Nest Records.

Is anyone else recording nests for the BTO?
I just sent my poor set of 16 cards off. (Poor in number, not quality.) It included my first robin pair that has actually taken up the offer of an open-fronted box. They tend to nest anywhere in the garden except there. I usually record 20+ per season, but the promising spring just fizzled out as far as breeding was concerned as I'm sure you all know. It would be easy to get more if only one visit was enough, but the data is far more valuable if backed up with another visit or two, to check changes and survival rates.
I just send cards because a few years ago the difficulties of sending the records electronically spoiled the pleasure of the recording. Does anyone know wether the system has been simplified?

1 comment:

Nick Carter said...

Not sure about data entry for nest records as I've never been a fan of finding nests so haven't filled a card in since I was a nipper. I know the BTO BBS data entry via the web seemed daunting at first but when you actually get into it its not that bad. I just need to pluck up the courage to look at entering my atlas results so far!