Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Halifax Town Centre

About 2 weeks ago the local paper reported Peregrines again this year around the Piece Hall and Square Church spire.
At the end of last week a pair of Kestrels was soaring around the spire and looking as if this was a possible breeding site. I have not seen any Peregrines around the spire this year - has any one else?


Nick Carter said...

Although I've not been down myself I know of at least one person who checked the site after the newspaper report and found only Kestrels.

Phil Wood said...

On the weekend of the Halifax Beer Festival (9th - 10th May), I watched a pair of Peregrines over the area twice on the Saturday afternoon. Okay, I had no bins but I had no reason to doubt my ID, plus another member of the CAMRA branch is an experienced birder, and had seen them earlier in the week. I never saw them on the spire, but I assumed that was their starting or finishing point.