Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Surprise eggs.

Last week we trimmed the top of a Virginia Creeper to keep it off a roof, and whilst checking for birds' nests I saw one 20ft up with fresh droppings round it, indicating a recent successful brood which I missed.
Today, admiring my handiwork, I saw a greenfinch fly out. On getting the ladder, I was delighted to find a beautiful repeat clutch of 4 eggs.
It's important to check all creepers and hedges before trimming. Wet summers encourage pairs to try to keep on breeding, especially finches and thrushes.
As many birders know, if anyone fancies nest recording, the BTO provide guidelines and recording cards or you can submit electronically.

Willow Warbler in a large Saville Park Garden 7 days ago and a Chiff-chaff today at Blackshaw Head in bushes. (Neither singing.)

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