Friday, October 07, 2011

Manx Shearwater

There's been a report of a Manx Shearwater picked up dead about 2 weeks ago at Flints by a game keeper we all know and love! does anybody know anything about it ?


Brian Sumner . said...

Was it dead before or after the game keeper saw it ?

heavy birder said...

Just what I thought Brian.

Andrew Huyton said...

about that time there was a report of one a Deer Hill res, very much alive I believe. It was around the time we got hit with what remained of hurricane Katrina. So very likely an exhausted bird could of turned up in our area and sadly perished. Worth noting guys that you should be careful what you write on public forums such as the blog as more and more prosecutions are being brought against people who make slanderous comments on the web. Just a warning.