Friday, July 27, 2012

Ogden and Fly Flatts

I called in at Ogden to see if the 5 Shoveler had stayed overnight, but as expected they had moved on. Not a lot else found there other than 1 Grey Heron.

Fly Flatts
2 Red-legged Partidge
1 Red Grouse
1 Golden Plover
6 Swift SW
1 Swallow SW
1 Unringed Twite
1 juv Wheatear
2 Oystercatchers
4 Kestrels
Usual mipits and Canada's

Withens Head
3 juv Wheatears and 1 adult
1 Little Owl
1 Lapwing
1 Kestrel
Meadow Pipits feeding young

1 comment:

Brian Sumner . said...

Shame you missed the Shovelers but at least you had the last one there. Sounds a bit quiet at Fly Flatts for me on Sunday.